“The soil of the human brain is more fertile for weeds than flowers. “
(Totally just stole that right now, perfect timing ever from my friendy Nicole at thegratitudeworkbook.com )
I am a Jew who loves Christian Rock.
(or maybe I’m a BuJu, or a HinJu, who cares!)
This music gets me singing and gets me happy right quick. Not only am I removing the pressure from myself when I sing with the words used in Christianity to give my problems to a higher power, but the chords are beautiful. It’s a package deal. You’ve got a seriously skeptical jewess singing this stuff, it must be good.
Whenever I’m in a terrible space I “let go and let God” in the most simple way here in America— turning on the Christian Rock radio station. I joke because, before podcasts, it was one of the only things on the radio on my 5-6 hour drive to LA and back, so I learned to like it.
But the truth is, it’s saying positive and affirmative statements, repeatedly so I can’t forget! I won’t forget to love the unknown energy watching us stumble in the dark down here. I won’t forget that I am a child of light and I’m made of love, and my purpose is to love the good and the bad and help out when I can. Right. Good.
I believe I am good.
Mainstream radio makes me feel less uplifted like this because:
I’ve been singing along to a story that isn’t mine.
- It’s one thing if the song emotionally moves me, i.e. Helps me deal with what I’m feeling- makes me happy, helps me express my sadness in words or melodies I couldn’t produce, then its okay.
- I’m repeating untrue words to myself, drilling them into my head.
- If the song is complaining about what I don’t have? Then I feel lack.
- If the song is talking about someone’s dreams of fame and fortune with material wealth and maybe my dreams of success don’t line up the same as the words I’m saying.
- If the song talks about objectification of bodies, then I will believe this to also be the truth about myself.
What we repeatedly do, we become.
What we repeatedly say we believe to be the truth.
I used to say, “Choose your thoughts wisely,” but we have thousands of those a day. So, when you think your thought- randomly or not, see it as a cloud of info, steam, moldable, changeable, temporary.
Now I say, “Choose your feelings about your thoughts wisely”.
Or, see it as curating your experience.
We started to curate life with laws. The people in power decided how everyone should live, what they should eat, and how to do their hair (centuries, people). Flash forward a few thousand years, we’re doing the same thing but during the technological age we developed setting and options. We seek out the videos we want to watch, the clothes we want to wear, and we subscribe. We find what we like and we stick with it– because it feels right, its more “me” than something else.
This adorable old lady at the grocery store complaining about how there were too many choices of sale beef! We curate that by choosing what store go to. Some people go places where the store has already made the choice for them. “Let us seek out the best/freshest/least cruel option for you, so you can have peace of mind.” Right?!
Because of the Internet, we are all sharing our minds to find what we are really looking for. We are using each others strengths at our benefit— YouTube DIY, I mean. Now, by making up our minds, we can curate our lives in our head. We don’t even need to do all the research like these specialty places. We pick our niche and it already exists. Pony con anyone? (Sparkly hair flip )
It’s all the way you frame your life. How you decorate your life.
Play songs that make you happy or feel something? YAY!
Watch inspiring TV? YAY
Go on a walk in nature, so that the goodness can be soaked up in you, and you will be reminded of your short but miraculous time here on this planets, where, as my good friend says,
“Shit just wants to grow. It’s will to live outweighs the circumstances, unless you forgot to water it…”
Take a moment to look at your settings when an emotion comes up- prompted by another person or a thought. That’s all they are, decision you made at some point because of a direct persons influence or because of an experience you had. You get to change those settings when you decide they are untrue for you!
Change your settings, your opinions. And I don’t mean removing all terrible media from your life, we all need to be informed. I’m saying, maybe toggle “Noisy people annoy me’ to “i hear the noisy people, but inside my mind is quiet”, or “yellow is ugly” to “I have less good experiences with yellow, so I’m going to try something new.” Or for now, update your input. What you put in, you usually get out, right? I’m a self help junkie and I’m obsessed with exploring why I make the choices I do, so I’m here to tell you that you just have to get curious, or even better, follow your innate curiosities.
Maybe you don’t hate mustard that much after all, you just always believed it was awful because your mom had a bad experience with it and never kept it in the house.
If a piece of you is curious, then examine it. You will always learn something when you try something new! That’s right! I’m telling you to make a choice that you want to make.