Full Moon in Aquarius
Use this time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished, and what progress you are making. Whatever you dream of is a possibility, and when you give that dream some time and space to grow, it will reveal to you how it wants to be created in the physical world. MAGIC.
Pick a crystal, any crystal… Which one has a message for you?

1) Rose Quartz: Like a breath of fresh air when all the tasks are finished. We know that not everything can be accomplished in one day, but we take solace in knowing we did what we could. This isn’t at all about cramming everything into the day, this is about doing what is truly important. Slowing down long enough to see the beauty in what you have accomplished, and reflecting on how your efforts have not been used in haste. Rose quartz helps us see the big picture, how sometimes we do things that don’t seem like they are helping, but because they make our hearts glow with the most intensely soothing soft pink flame— they really are the magic makers, and create a life we love to live. What makes your heart feel so happy? Do that!
2) Sodalite: Clarity in speech and communication. This stone helps us coordinate our physical body and our mental body, allowing them to work in harmony to speak into existence. Which part of your being needs some attention right now? What is speaking to you, or trying to get your attention through pain or sluggishness? Now that you’ve located them, tell them you hear them, and you are now listening. What do they say? Is it a mean voice? A nice voice? Does it sound caring or whiny? When we start to listen to the body, we can begin to discern these voices that are clamoring for our attention. Sit with them, visualize white light energy going to them, letting them know you care and that your body loves them as much as any exceptionally functional part.
3) Laboradorite: Blimey! This stone is so pretty, I just get lost in it! I can have flames of any color within it, but today it’s showing me little pieces of earth. It’s like carrying the earth in your pocket or around your neck, or maybe it wants to say “I’ve got the whole world, in my hands.” For me, that’s clear, because I make stuff with my hands to give to the people of the world. What do you create, infinite being, that can be given to many without feeling like the whole world is draining you? What are your talents and dreams? What is one thing you can do today to get closer to that dream of feeling like you made your life just the way you envisioned? What have you previously created that came from an idea, from within you that you are proud of? <3
Want to know more about crystals?
Sign up for a Clarity Session with me, to find out how crystals can help assist you in your heart’s dreams and goals. Click here to reserve a time slot that works for you. <3