Ready for the cliche Thanksgiving post?

It doesn’t have to be Thanksgiving week for you to be thankful. There are tons of thankful posts going around right now, but I don’t want to wait for one day or month to have gratitude for all the amazingness that just IS.

I know we all have our sore spots, our issues, and some days are just downright hard. Whether it’s Neptune trying to turn back around (or whatever happened last Tuesday!) or you’re just feeling especially raw, this one goes out to you.

Grateful for what we have.

Grateful for what we have.

When I wake up in the morning, sometimes I need a boost. A sense of purpose even if I just have to get the laundry done. Usually I lay in bed for a while and check all my e-mails from that perfect warm spot that’s been cooking for several hours. Why do I do this? After all, most people discourage email checking first thing in the morning or first thing when you wake up. But I do it. I’m totally addicted to my phone, but more importantly to the daily inspirationals I’ve signed up for.

After my alarm goes off for the (probably) 5th time, 1) I go through and delete all the junk–this is so cleansing! 2) flag all the work stuff (so I don’t miss anything later) and 3) settle in for my morning inspiration. Note: ***DO NOT TRY TO DO WORK NOW!*** This is YOUR time to get ready and focused for the day ahead. (And that article I linked above, it’s SO right. Schedule that sh** for later.) 

Some are simple quotes and imagery, some are longer posts, but the messages help me create a brain space with positive intention for the day. Mostly, they help me shake off whatever possible yuck I could wake up feeling, maybe an emotional hangover from the day before, stress that doesn’t let me sleep by making me dream of folding pants (even though I haven’t worked in retail in over a year), etc.

Thankful for what we have.

Thankful for what we have.

All of the email I chose to wake up to have a common thread:


What does this mean?

I wake up in the morning, and thank the heavens I am alive.

I look out the window and thank the trees for making awesome oxygen for me to breathe.

And the clouds, for being so huge, massive, and awe inspiring, that I can’t remember what I was upset about.

I thank my bed for being cozy, even though I have to get out of it, because I get to come back to it later.

And thanking my fears for pushing me forward (This one is HARD for me!!)

Five things. I think of five reasons to be grateful.

When I was going through some really mentally scary stuff, and I couldn’t see out through the muck, my mom told me to write down five things every day to be grateful for. I did it against my own will for two or three days. Then I wanted to do it, it reminded me how good I actually have it! (You were right, mom!) The best part, is that it is individual for each person, so comparison isn’t even part of it. It is your personal list, your reasons for being happy. Isn’t that neat?

Gratitude grows!

Gratitude grows!

And the more grateful you are, the more beautiful life becomes, the more time slows, and the happier you get.

SO~! For when the days are hard, look up these guys, and sign up for their mailing lists. They continually lead me up and out of the trudging muck 🙂

Truth Bombs Short blurbs of immediate action.

Buddha Doodles Compassion for yourself and others

Daily Love That shot of love straight to your heart through your brain.

Spirit Junkie “Become the happiest person you know”

Chopra Meditation Guided meditations that are great for beginners and those experienced on the cushion. Changed the way I approached everything. (When a free one’s going on, or I look up “Deepak Chopra Meditations” on youtube)

TUT Uplifting and nearly personalized cheerleading to get you up and going.

Cosmic Soul Medicine Spot on astrological forecasting.

And for my next trick… Who remembers the “I won’t complain today” meme that was floating around? That got some action!

A wise person told me once, “When we complain, we aren’t giving energy to what we truly want. And when we praise something, someone, anything for all that we have, those words go straight to god’s ears”

Attitude of gratitude gets the worm. what?

Attitude of gratitude gets the worm. what?


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