by Becca Cuellar | Dec 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
Just because I eat some cookies at Christmas time does NOT mean I need to go on a major diet or juice cleanse come Jan 1. Like I’ve said in some of my previous posts, there is no such thing as falling off the wagon. But alas, we have to grow to learn that we...
by Becca Cuellar | Dec 16, 2014 | The Tao of Style
Oprah and the Queen of England have a lot of dough, and can buy anything they want. What do they want for Christmas presents? Your time, energy, and affection. *I just realized Bruno Mars has a song about the two of them. Would he really be happier as a millionaire?...
by Becca Cuellar | Dec 9, 2014 | fitness, food, Health, The Tao of Style
Jello is not just for kids and old people anymore! What? Articles about the health benefits of gelatin and bone broth and have been all over the internet lately. A bone broth shop popped up in NYC last week to keep people warm and healthy through the winter. See ya,...
by Becca Cuellar | Dec 2, 2014 | fitness, Health, The Tao of Style, Uncategorized
When you fall off the wagon are you really as screwed as you think you are? No way, man! All last week at my gym, the trainers were giving us classes and eating techniques to help us enjoy thanksgiving but not blow our hard work. I was like, uhm, thanksgiving is once...
by Becca Cuellar | Nov 25, 2014 | Health, The Tao of Style
Ready for the cliche Thanksgiving post? It doesn’t have to be Thanksgiving week for you to be thankful. There are tons of thankful posts going around right now, but I don’t want to wait for one day or month to have gratitude for all the amazingness that...