I didn’t have to wear make up. In fact, no one could see my face–I could–I knew what was going on. I also knew that putting make up on was entirely unrelated to the performance I was about to give.
When I was in my early 20’s I toured the country with a semi-profesh marching band. (I was going to say insert band geek joke here, but I’m pretty sure all my friends are reading this and feeling nostalgic. Maybe. Maybe not…) I was a musician and dressed like a man, in uniform for competition. I would watch as my dance friends applied their 18+ layers of eye shadow and hairspray and wish I was doing the same. However, the only place I danced was in my locked bedroom, I didn’t want anyone to see that! Anyway, I always took my time assembling my hair to go under my aussie (weird hat with a huge feather), so the back was neat and tidy, no fly aways anywhere! probably in my 4th out of 5 years participating, I had gotten my hair down and still had more time to kill on the way to the show site. I realized that doing my hair was a necessity but also a totally meditative act. When I got that system in place, I realized I still had time to do my make up! This was unheard of for musicians because we all had to look uniform… in uniform…. But I realized that it didn’t hurt to accentuate my eyes, when we were using them for expression anyway! This turned into my second stage of meditation, and the best boot camp for mascara in a moving vehicle.
Now that I’m not running around the country on a super strict schedule, I find myself having moments of “WHAT DO I DO” sound familiar, college grads/entrepreneurs? I just realized that my lack of morning structure (you said it, dad!) was killing my whole day. I realized that I don’t wear make up for anyone but me! I loved spending that time to take care of myself in the midst of whatever storm was brewing. And I was late, always. But I’m working on it….
Sometimes when I’m anxious, I’ll go to my make up to find some solace. I think it’s a self care thing. I used to over eat, that was nourishing, but too much of a good thing, well, it’s not so good. Now I go to my make up and put just one thing on, or I go to town. I decorate myself as a way to meditate and also cope with all the energy floating around this planet.
BTW- I’ve always been down with the mineral make up, and now I know why! BAM!
Usually I go for eye make up, closest to the third eye, right?
A little cool liquid eyeliner to give my senses something to grab onto, or some mineral loose powder on my lids.
- Zuzu Luxe Liquid Eyeliner (I LIVE in Luxor, a warm copper)- Great price for a great product with mica (mood stabilization) bentonite (Clay that absorbs toxins, sucks ’em right in!) titanium dioxide (balances electromagnetic energy from environmental disturbances) hectorite (Clay with high levels of sodium and magnesium that are the cornerstone to healthy nerve function)
- mineral fusion eyeliner – This one has a bunch of soothing and calming herbs, like chamomile and rosemary, but it lists that it also might contain these minerals Red Iron Oxide, Yellow Iron Oxide, Black Iron Oxide, Titanium Dioxide. Iron Oxide, a.k.a. “hematite” for grounding and connecting to the earth. Titanium for pain relief and balancing the entire body’s electromagnetic energy that might have been thrown off from electronics or machinery or good old fashioned bad vibes.
Some BB/CC cream to prevent sun damage
- Jane Iredale: My FAVE line right now. I wear their Glow Cream every day mostly for sunscreen, but it’s great layerable coverage is the best part. Number one ingredient: Titanium dioxide – let’s get balanced! No wonder I feel a world of difference when I put my whole “face” on.
A little mineral eyeshadow to perk up my third eye / blush to remind my cheeks what smiles feel like
- I also can’t live without 24-Karat gold dust, makes me feel like Cleopatra (on a budget! It’s really only $16 with real gold…) in champagne, but I’m not sure if that color is available anymore, but they do have it in silver. Gold is a metal used to connect with the spiritual realm, no wonder it was used for talismans throughout history! Silver is for connecting with emotions, I use silver and gold like a hot/gold, sun/moon balance. If I need energy, I gild myself. If I need to chill the FFF out, I take the gold off. hahah.
- Cosmic Bath and Beauty a Northern California company (woooo local!) that creates make up and ritual oils and herbs for making magic! I can’t wait to attend one of their events, they look rad AF.Contains: Mica–the shimmery sparkly part, and also a crystal used for mood stabilization. (I ran out of blush a few weeks ago… hmmm)
- Araza Beauty: A paleo skin care line from the Pacific Northwest (local enough). How cool that they are totally paleo and interested in nourishing the skin and body? Love that. They too have sample sizes. The blush contains pearl powder–how decadent! Pearl is for bringing about the sweet creationist within you, all powerful woman who comes from the depths. Zinc (Oxide): helps support the strength of the immune system including emotional immunity and health– exhaustion, anxiety re balancing. Also Mica.
I’ll let you know when I figure out the mascara or lip color part 🙂