New Moon in Virgo Crystal Reading

New Moon in Virgo Crystal Reading

I have to admit, it took me a while to settle down and get into this reading. I had the first two stones lined up, and I was looking for a third. Finally hematite showed itself to me, and although the aesthetics weren’t completely aligned for my instagram, the...
Full Moon in Aquarius Crystal Reading

Full Moon in Aquarius Crystal Reading

Full Moon in Aquarius Use this time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished, and what progress you are making. Whatever you dream of is a possibility, and when you give that dream some time and space to grow, it will reveal to you how it wants to be created in...
New Moon in Leo Crystal Reading

New Moon in Leo Crystal Reading

This month and this new moon is all about starting fresh. Releasing what you’ve been tightly grasping, and letting the flow of life back in. While there is much security in sticking to a schedule, it’s like that old saying “all work and no play make...
New Moon in Cancer Crystal Reading

New Moon in Cancer Crystal Reading

New moon in Cancer crystal reading! (This is my first time doing this how fun!) Pick whichever stone calls to you. Let it be what it is. Comment and let me know which one is whispering or shouting out to you! Readings are posted—- scroll through to find yours 🙂...

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