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10 Reasons to Work Out: Everything and Nothing to do with Britney Spears
This is why I exercise 1. To make some endorphins, because those keep you happy. I have to exercise at least every other day, or I’ll start to feel like the clouds are really dark and I never want to get out of bed. Tell it, Elle Woods! 2. To be amazed by this...
Buzzfeed Video!
Thanks buzzfeed! PART 1: I tell my mom a secret I’ve kept for over 10 years! PART 2: She tells me a secret she’s kept for over 30 years!
Five AWFUL Reasons to Ignore Your Passion
I stumbled across this article this morning and it made me slightly cranky. It makes some interesting points, but leaves me feeling like I should give up on all that makes me happy because it doesn’t make me a kajillionaire, or my desire will wane. “1....